New Cairn Terrier

rascal.jpgWe have decided to rescue another little Cairn Terrier. We miss Jake terribly, and Daisy (our other Cairn) seems depressed now that she is all alone. We are working with several rescue groups trying to find a good match for our family. One of these furkids is Rascal from Rhode Island. He is the same color as our Daisy and seems like he might be a good match. We are also looking at a cute little fella named Keeth.keeth.jpg Keeth is in New Jersey and it would be a bit of a haul to go get him, but we may see him if things don’t work out with Rascal. We are working with the Cairn Rescue League who has Rascal, and Cairn Rescue USA, who has Keeth. We have also put in an application with the Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network from which we got Jake in 2001. All of the Cairn rescue organizations go out of the way to save Cairns from shelters and puppy mills, as well as from people who can’t take care of their furballs anymore. They spend countless hours of time and money saving these animals. They also do not just anyone adopt the dogs. 4 references, a vet reference, and even a home safety visit, are required before a prospective owner is even considered! They really want these babies to find forever homes and really try their best to match the right dog with the right family. Pictures of course will appear here when our new member of the family arrives!!

WordPress Widgets

I love WordPress Widgets! I have downloaded new themes that support them and I am totally addicted! It is so nice to be able to make a change in one sidebar and then see it implemented in whatever of the new themes I choose. I won’t even think of using a new theme unless it is wigitized!!

20th Week On the Diet

Current Weight: 262 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 0 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 3 lbs

What Diet? I have totally slipped into my old ways! It is amazing that I haven’t gained back all the weight I have lost so far. I haven’t been exercising, eating fruits or vegetables, or cutting my portion sizes. I thought by now I would be well on my way to a healthier me. I just can’t seem to make permanent change to my habits.  This is the first time in my life that I really tried to lose and have failed. I really think what they say is true. As you get older, it gets harder to lose weight. I don’t know if it is a physiological reason, or that you just have had that many years of bad habits. Whatever the case, I have a serious problem! I really have to get into it’s a “now or never mentality”. If I don’t, I fear that I will be desitined for my first heart attack, or diabetes, or who knows what! I just wish there was a way to fill me and keep me satisfied. More is never enough, and instant gratification takes too long. Well…I am off to get a snack. Pavlov’s dog is alive and well.

Tom Cruise’s Orthodontia

Since getting my braces on last week I have really been aware of people’s smiles. I just saw Mission Impossible III with Tom Cruise and instead of reviewing the movie I will review Tom’s teeth! Tom got much publicized braces in 2002 and I must say he was ripped off!  The midline of his two front teeth is way off.  I kept noticing it in the movie and it was really distracting to me. Click on this recent picture and you will see what I mean. I guess even if you are famous, you can still get bad dental work!


Good-Bye Jake

Jake.jpgToday I had to put my beloved Cairn Terrier, Jake, down. He had been coughing for about two weeks and I feared the worst. I tried to listen to his heart last night and could not hear it. His breathing seemed off the last few days also.  After visiting my local vet, he sent Jake and me to Angell Memorial for more tests. The doctor there confirmed the worst. Poor Jake had a large mass in his left lung that was pushing his trachea and heart away from where they should be. I wanted to take him home for the last few days, but since he was oxygen deprived, they though we should let him go.  I held his head in my arms and told him he was a “good boy” over and over until he passed away peacefully away by injection. I feel so sad.  He was such a good dog. We got him in 2001 from the Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network. He was so lovable and I will miss him terribly. You can read more about Jake and his rescue here.


Yesterday I had braces installed on my lower teeth! I have been having problems with my TMJ over the past few months.  My front bottom teeth and front top teeth have become almost edge to edge! I believe this all started when I was fitted for a CPAP machine last December. I have always slept with my mouth open, but had to learn to sleep with my mouth closed while wearing the CPAP mask. I am pretty sure my tongue has been pushing on my bottom teeth and over time has moved them forward. My top front teeth did not move because I have been wearing a retainer on them at night  for the past 25 years! I really wish that I had know that keeping my mouth closed at night could move my teeth. I would have had a retainer made for the bottom teeth. As it stands now, I will be about a year and a half in the braces and then will have to wear a retainer on the bottom for the rest of my life.  I was lucky to escape full braces when I was a teenager. My orthodontist worked with me and made removable retainers to position my crooked teeth. At the time I was a beginning actor and couldn’t be locked down to braces. I think I maybe should have paid extra this time and tried the same thing. I really didn’t realize how hard it was going to be to eat and floss! I hope I get used to them…right now I am resisting the temptation to go get wire cutters and solvent remover!!!!

Tawny Kitaen Is Loser Of The Week


For trashing America’s Favorite TV Mom, Florence Henderson, on this weeks Surreal Life 6. Tawny Kitaen has been carrying a crazy vendetta for Flo the last few weeks. It all started when The Surreal Life cast got to play newscasters for a day at a local California television station. Florence played the part of an anchorwoman, while Tawny played a reporter in the field investigating a stolen weathervane. The Surreal Life producers bought a replacement for the missing weathervane and Florence asked Tawny what the cost of the new weathervane was. Tawny was not prepared for the question and became a “deer caught in the headlights”. She has blamed Florence ever since. This week, each of the castmates got a chance to host their own talk show. Tawny hatched a plan to to have Florence as a guest, and then to publicly humiliate her. It backfired completely on Tawny! When Tawny realized that the entire cast thought that she was an ass, she had some sort of psychosomatic sinus attack to gain some attention and sympathy. Tawny Kitaen is a classless, no talent, bitch.