The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’s Georgie Henley and Judy Garland

Just watched The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe on DVD. I really loved Georgie Henley’s Performance. She is adorable and reminds me of a young Judy Garland!


Separated at Birth?

39 thoughts on “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’s Georgie Henley and Judy Garland”

  1. Is’t Judy Garland the girl who played Dorothy in the wizard of oz? (but they do look alike!)

  2. Hello!!!, my name is Gómez Santiago and I saw Narnia’s chronicles forty two times.
    And I do not get tired of seeing it, do not manage to buy the movie because they do not sell it in any place, but when they put to the sale the movie he will buy it.
    Georgie Henley is the girl mas wonderfully that I saw in my life, she is delighted(enchanted) for these beautiful eyes That she has. Serious nice me to see and to speak it to him with her, but I live in Argentina and she was nacio in London / England wants to say that I do not believe that my fantasy is realized (understood(included)). I like very much his way of interpretation (the action) and I like the movies of ambo Narnia: the lion, the witch and the cupboard, and the prince Caspian.
    I wrote wonderful and fantastic histories that I there might not any being the publishing house (the editorial) to share them with the people, the thousands of persons have said to me that I am a very good writer and have listened to that Georgie also he is a writer, only that the books of her already estan corrected and estan to the sale

  3. Hola, me llamo santiago Gómez y vi las crónicas de Narnia cuarenta y dos veces.
    Y no me voy a artar de verla, no he podido comprar la película porque no la venden en ningún lugar pero en cuanto la vea a la venta la comprare.
    Georgie Henley se la niña mas bonita que vi en mi vida, me encantan esos hermosos ojos que ella tiene. Seria lindo verla y hablar con ella pero yo vivo en Argentina y ella nació y vive en Inglaterra, eso quiere decir que no creo que mi fantasía se cumpla.
    Me gusta mucho su forma de actuar y me gustan las dos películas de Narnia: el león, la bruja y el armario, y el príncipe caspian.
    Yo escribí historias maravillosas y fantásticas que no he podido editar todavía para compartirlos con la gente, miles de personas me han dicho que soy un muy buen escritor y he escuchado que Georgie también es escritora, solo que los libros de ella ya están editados y están a la venta.
    Le mando un beso y un abrazo a Georgie y buena suerte para todos.

  4. I love the Chronicles of Narnia (even though I’m 20 :))). And I’ve seen the first part a lot of times. And I swear, Georgie really is one of the cutest, if not THE cutest kid I’ve ever seen. Such a charming creature, and such a great actress for her age. Narnia wouldn’t be such a perfect movie without her. I’m proud that our birthday is the same date – July 9, hehe… Happy birthday, sweetie :)))

  5. i absolutely love the narnia movies!i am a huge fan of georgie henley. she’s amazing. so is skandar keynes… he’s a great actor. honestly i marked their birthdays on my calender, know how old they are, know where they live, and yahtta yahtta yahtta. don’t worry, i’m no stalker, i’m not as old as georgie!

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  7. I like narnia alot but i mean the books, not the movie. The movie kinda sucks. Actually Judy Garland couldn't be sepparated at birth from Henley cause Judy is years older than Henley

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