What A Beautiful Good Friday

daffodil.jpgToday I went for a wonderful walk. The weather was beautiful! The buds were budding and the birds were singing. I had time to reflect a bit on my life. I have been so blessed with wonderful family and friends. I have had such wonderful experiences in my life and have shared in so much love. I am so grateful for this beautiful world that we live in. I felt so right in the world, out in the wonderful world of nature. I hope I always remember to pause and reflect back on how beautiful life really can be!

V For Vendetta

vendetta.jpgI saw this movie today and liked it. It seemed to have a little more intelligence than your average movie you see these days. It had a lot of dialog and I miss that in movies. You actually have to pay attention to figure out what is going on. There was a little too much fighting that reminded me of The Matrix when I was watching it. Lo and behold, I get to the credits and find that it is by the same brothers that created The Matrix. I find it interesting that the story is based on a comic book series. The story is definitely not for kids! Comic books have apparently become very adult since the days of Archie! I was exceptionally delighted by its positive portrayal of gay characters…this was an unexpected bonus.

18th Week On The Diet

Current Weight: 259 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 1 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 6 lbs

I know, I know, I haven’t been keeping you posted. That’s because I haven’t been doing as well. I guess it will help me to share my successes and failures, but I just couldn’t get the gumption to write. I am still going to my diet meetings at HMR. What I don’t like about the program is that they appear to push their products all the time as the key to weight loss.  There are a lot of studies out there that suggest meal replacements really are an effective way to lose weight, but I want to do it with real food. I am also not that big of a fan of most of their products.  When I first joined HMR back in 1995, there was a lot less emphasis on their products and more ideas on eating low calorie foods.  I have always liked that approach and sadly have rebelled against HMR at their changes.  I still feel that I get a benefit by attending weekly meetings and making a phone call to my coach. It makes me more accountable as I have to gear up to be weighed once a week. I am exercising more now that the nice weather is more frequent. I just eat way too many snacks, especially at night! I really have to get out of the, “I’ve done a good job today, let me reward myself”, mentality. Why I think adding tons of calories to my diet is a reward I will never know. Well I am off for a walk. I will try to be more diligent in keeping the diet blog updated!

Crash…The Academy Award Winner?

Last night I watched the free screener the producer’s of Crash sent to all members of the Screen Actor’s Guild. I finally got to see if it was better than Brokeback Mountain which was its main competition for the Academy Award as Best Picture. Well I think the voters of the academy made a mistake. Crash for me was a 1 layer movie. Every character gets a chance to show his or her prejudice. It was so obvious; I found it laughable at times. I think some of the performances were great, but I felt like I was watching some sort of instructional film on the dangers of prejudice. I felt the writers were banging me in the head with their constant drone. Every character is so obvious in their distaste for some other race; it just didn’t ring true to me. I think many bigots and racists are a lot more subtle, and it would have been nice to see a few more realistic characters.  I also didn’t like all the many interrelated little storylines. It was done before in the movie Grand Canyon and much better I might add.  Crash is plainly and simply a message movie, while Brokeback Mountain is an original and compelling drama that is not spoon fed to the moviegoer. Even Capote, another nominee, was far more intelligent. If you want pabulum…  see Crash, but if you want brain stimulation… see Brokeback Mountain. 

P.S. It probably didn’t hurt that the producers of Crash had the finances to send copies of the film to everyone!   

ABC’s Sons and Daughters Is Grating On My Nerves

I have really tried to like this new show on ABC. I like a lot of the cast. The show is just too much about the central character whining. Fred Gross, as Cameron Walker, is just not all that appealing either. I also don’t like all the improvising that is going on. Very few actor’s can pull it off without it looking like they are improvising. Those very few actors…are not in this show. Screenwriting is an art and so is acting. Very few people are good at both. The show also seems like a rip- off of Arrested Development…shaky camera shots, big quirky family, etc. I am also curious as to how many episodes they filmed with the same basic plot! For two weeks we have had stories where there is a family secret that has to work its way through the family members…and all hell, and I suppose hilarity, ensue. I am still waiting for the hilarity.

Remembering Jean Bailey

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A dear friend of mine passed away today. Her name was Jean Bailey, although she will always be Aunt Jean to me. I became friends with her when I went to visit a school friend out in California in 1982. Jean was my friend’s real aunt, but she quickly took me under her wing as well. We became fast friends and I started staying with her summers while I started my acting career. When I finally moved to L.A. in 1984, I stayed with Aunt Jean and her daughter Beverly until I found my own apartment. Jean was always welcoming to me and one of the sweetest people I have ever known. She always had laughter in her voice, no matter what her troubles. She had endless amounts of energy and is probably the first person I have ever met who actually could talk more than myself! My heart and love go out to her children: Freddy, Beverly, and Bobby, their spouses, and Jean’s numerous grand children. A beautiful rose has left us.


There are a couple more photos of Jean on my Flikr account.