Happy 60th Birthday Liza!

Liza Minnelli is 60 years old! I can’t believe it! I fell in love with her when she was only 28! I can still remember the first time I saw her in concert. It was at The Music Hall in Boston (now the Wang Center). I had really bad seats up in the nose bleed art060227_198b.jpgsection of the theatre. From the moment she came on the stage and began an a cappella rendition of How Long Has This Been Going On?… I new I was seeing something special. I had her record albums and thought she was great, but in concert was a different story. The woman is like no other performer in front of an audience. Her voice was so powerful back then and the show was a tour de force of singing, dancing, and acting. I loved it so much I begged my parents to take me again on another night! Throughout the years I never missed a performace on television or at a local theatre. I have been lucky enough to meet her backstage several times and she has always been one of the most gracious and genuine people I have ever met. Onstage and off, Liza Minnelli always gives 110 percent of her energy. I don’t know where she gets it! One of the highlights in my life was seeing my first Broadway play, The Rink, starring Liza and Chita Rivera. Other great Liza moments where when she performed at Radio City Music Hall and Carnegie Hall. Yes, we have all heard of her trials and tribulations, but I feel that she often gets a bum rap. She is no more or less immune to the ups and downs of life than you or I… but she is a hellava lot more talented! Happy Birthday Liza!

Helen Reddy Releases New CD and Book

 Capitol/EMI released this press release this morning. I was a big Helen Reddy fan in my youth and this is great news. I met her several times as a kid, and she was always very gracious. I just wish they would release all her albums in cd format, and not just digitally. Raven Records in Australia has released most of them, but there are still more that need to be released.

Helen Reddy: The Woman I Am – The Definitive Collection To Be Released In May By Capitol/EMI
Monday March 13, 10:00 am ET

New Single-Disc Anthology Contains 22 Career and Era-Defining Songs, Including Nine #1 Hits, the Grammy-Winning Single ‘I Am Woman’ and Six Previously Unavailable Tracks

New Anthology and Twelve of Reddy’s Original Capitol Albums to Make Digital Debut

Reddy’s Memoir, The Woman I Am (published by Tarcher/Penguin), to be Launched in the U.S. on NBC’s ‘Today’ May 4

CD In Stores: May 2 Book In Stores: May 4

The Sopranos Returns

sopranos_seas6_poster.jpgCan you believe it? There will be new episodes of HBO’s The Sopranos starting again on Sunday, March 12, at 9:00 PM. Personally, I am really not that excited. There has just been too much time between seasons that I have completely lost interest. I guess the producers expect us to keep watching the reruns over and over to keep the storyline fresh in our minds. There are too many choices now for our attention. I think HBO has made a terrible mistake allowing the writers to take their sweet time. No television show can generate that much interest if you can’t keep it out in front of us!

I better go set up the DVR to record it!

Police Chief, Robert K. Bowman is Loser of the Week

This man, if you can call him that, is my Loser of the Week.

Claude Green Jr., 43, had a heart attack on the afternoon of June 21 while driving in his truck with his neighbor, Billy Snead, in Welch, W. Va. According to court papers, Green complained of indigestion, then suddenly went stiff and lost control of the truck. Snead brought the truck to a stop beside the road, went around to the driver’s side, and began pounding on his friend’s chest.

The CPR seemed to be working when Police Chief Robert K. Bowman arrived on the scene two or three minutes later. Bowman identified Green as a member of the gay community in the small town of less than 2,500, and told Snead to back away because the victim was HIV-positive. When Snead failed to comply, Bowman grabbed him by the shoulders and sent him to a police car for a statement.

When paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later, Bowman again announced that Green was HIV-positive, but allowed the medical team to perform emergency CPR. Green arrived at the Welch Community Hospital around 2:15 p.m., and died about half an hour later. An autopsy indicated that he suffered from coronary artery disease.

Green was not, in fact, HIV-positive; the virus could not have been transmitted through CPR even if he had been infected. Read More.

 This is a sad story. Police Chief, Robert K. Bowman should be nominated as the poster boy of homophobia.

Kudos: PlanetOut

8th Week On The Diet

Current Weight: 261lbs Weight Loss This Week: 1 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 4 lbs

I am obviously eating too much still.  The exercise has slipped in the past few weeks and I am not as consistent. I am still eating about 3000 cals a day and need to stop eating at night. That is where I screw up.  At this rate I will never reach my goal of 80 lbs in a year. I am eating more fruits and vegetables and I am sure they are displacing some calories. I really have to try to get the exercise done earlier in the day. At night I just won’t do it.  Thank you to everyone who has written me with words of encouragement. Every bit helps!! Good luck to you all who are dieting along side me too!


1 Million Reward For Death Of Danish Cartoonists

A Muslim cleric in Pakistan is now offering a one million dollar reward for the death of the Danish cartoonists that drew the cartoons of Muhammad.  He allegedly offered this during prayers on Friday! This is outragous! No matter how offended, if Muslims don’t make a loud protest against this, they are going to have little respect throughout the world. Enough is enough, people are dying over this issue..and most of them Muslims! If people do not respect human life, something as esoteric as their religious beliefs will never be respected. It is time for the Muslims of the world to take a little more responsiblily for their brethren.  When Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, there was much public outrage from the Christian community and he later apologized. If Muslims want their beliefs to be respected, there should be more members speaking out for peaceful solutions, rather than inciting violence. Sadly, it appears not to be the case.

Kudos: YahooNews, USAToday, The Tennessean, CNN