Dick Cheney…A Weapon of Mass Destruction


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I am amazed at how irresponsible our vice president is. He shoots a man in the face two days ago and does not have the common decency to make a public appearance and apologize? What is even more profound is that his camp actually tried to blame the victim! I am embarrassed to the world for our two bumbling idiots in the White House.

Kudos: YahooNews

Ohio Introduces Gay Adoption Ban

Ten members of the Ohio General Assembly this week introduced HB515, the so-called “Adoptive and Foster Children’s Protection Act,” which would legally prevent foster-care and adoptive children from being placed in the home of a gay, bisexual or transgender person.

Well my dear conservative Christians are at it again. They want to ban adoptions of children by gay people in Ohio. It doesn’t matter that the best available evidence we have suggests that children raised in a gay household are no worse off than those raised in other adoptive households. There are almost 164,000 households headed by gay and lesbian parents in the U.S. alone. Why don’t the conservative Christians ask the the children in these households if they want to leave their families? There isn’t a surplus of married men and women lining up to adopt these children, either. How some Christians can want to deny these kids the chance to be loved and nurtured by anyone is a mystery to me!

 Kudos: PlanetOut, American Psychological Association

Gloria E. Woodward 1926-2006

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Gloria E. Woodward

January 31,1926 – February 9, 2006

Today, my dear Aunt Gloria passed away.  Even though she wasn’t my real aunt, she was a big part of me and my family. There has never been a holiday since I was a child that she didn’t spend with us. She and my Aunt Gen(not my real aunt either!) always remembered us, and never missed an important moment in our lives. When my brother was dying in the hospital, and my parents were by his bedside, I stayed with Gen and Gloria. When I graduated from High School, they were there. College…same thing. When I was in a play, Gloria was there. You name it! Gloria was also very supportive of my relationship with my partner, Mike, and attended our wedding in 2004.

The last few months have been hard to take. Poor Gloria’s body had been riddled with cancer. I had visited her almost every day since September, and it has been very difficult to watch her waste away. I wish I could have done more. Gloria had her peaks and valleys. She was well enough to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with us. I knew in my heart that these might be her last visits with us. Throughout her illness-I never once heard her complain. She was an amazingly strong woman and I will miss her terribly. I love you GLO.

More Pics of Gloria can be found on my Flikr account.


Muhammad-The Cartoon Peacemaker?


 I don’t understand this whole Muhammad as a cartoon thing. Islam is interpreted to forbid any illustrations of Muhammad for fear they could lead to idolatry. How do they expect non-Muslims to honor this? This is the first time many people have ever heard of it! The idea that you can control other people because of your belief has been shown throughout history to be futile. Muslims should know this more than anyone. Don’t they remember the crusades? Christians haven’t been able to convert and control Muslims for years-why should Muslims be any more successful?

The drawings, including one depicting the prophet wearing a turban shaped as a bomb, have now encited violence among Muslims. Seven people have died this week in Afghanistan during demonstrations. This is madness-no matter what your beliefs!  Where is the outrage from Muslim clerics? Shouldn’t the higher ups in Islam speak out against this violence? Wouldn’t they want to reject any idea that their belief system encouraged violence?  Do they want us to hold the image of Muhammad with a bomb on his head as the truth?  Hypocrisy, no matter what your belief, will never win over anyone.

Kudos: YahooNews

Remembering Karen Carpenter

kc1.jpg23 years ago, on February 4th, 1983, Karen Carpenter suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed onto the floor of her parent’s home in Downey, California. She was 32. Years of dieting, laxatives, and thyroid pills had weakened poor Karen’s heart.  It is ironic to note that Karen had actually started to turn her life around and was coming to terms with the demons that caused her anorexia nervosa.  Unfortunately for Karen, it was too late.

I was a huge Carpenters fan in the 70s and early 80s. My first album of theirs was A Kind of Hush.  Karen’s soulful voice was amazing! Listening to her recordings today, I swear you can hear her actual pain and anguish in such songs as Rainy Days and Mondays and Good-Bye to Love. Even in her happy song, Sing, I hear a touch of sadness.  The greatest sadness of all is that such a great talent has been silenced… 23 years ago today.

My Karen Carpenter Autograph

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Fifth Week On The Diet

Current Weight: 263.5lbs Weight Loss This Week: +4.5 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 1.5 lbs

Well I am very disappointed.  I exercised more than any week, ate more fruits and vegetables than ever before, and I gained 4.5 lbs.?  It has to be fluid retention because I am eating a lot less. I can tell you that weight seems harder for me to lose now that I am over 40. It must mean that my metabolism has slowed down. I am gonna have to really step this program up if I am gonna lose the 80 lbs that I would like to.  I gotta do it!

Dave Crow of Trading Spouses is Loser of the Week

Dave Crow of Fox’s Trading Spouses is my vote for loser of the week! This man is verbally abusive to his wife and children. He spends time with his older son, while completely ignoring his two younger children. At one point the whole family goes on a golfing expedition. Big, macho, Dave thinks it’s appropriate to call his youngest son a “sissy” and criticize his performance. The son has to defend himself and says, “I’ve never golfed before, Dad!” Dave Crow of Belgrade, Montana is my Loser of the Week!

Dave Crow

Felicity Huffman Deserves An Oscar!

breeLast night my friend Danny and I saw the movie Transamerica.  I had wanted to see this film because I had heard that Felicity Huffman’s performance had Oscar winning potential. Well I wholeheartedly agree. Ms. Huffman, as Bree the transsexual, is spectacular!  I really believed that I was watching a pre-op transsexual! The film has many touching moments, as well as many humorous ones.

I would also like to give a shout out to Fionnula Flanagan. Ms. Flanagan plays Bree’s mother, and you haven’t seen such an overbearing, insensitive mum since Fay Dunaway as Joan Crawford! Flannigan’s performance is not as over the top as Dunaway’s however, and is much more truthful. I hope they both get nominated for awards!!