Gloria E. Woodward 1926-2006

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Gloria E. Woodward

January 31,1926 – February 9, 2006

Today, my dear Aunt Gloria passed away.  Even though she wasn’t my real aunt, she was a big part of me and my family. There has never been a holiday since I was a child that she didn’t spend with us. She and my Aunt Gen(not my real aunt either!) always remembered us, and never missed an important moment in our lives. When my brother was dying in the hospital, and my parents were by his bedside, I stayed with Gen and Gloria. When I graduated from High School, they were there. College…same thing. When I was in a play, Gloria was there. You name it! Gloria was also very supportive of my relationship with my partner, Mike, and attended our wedding in 2004.

The last few months have been hard to take. Poor Gloria’s body had been riddled with cancer. I had visited her almost every day since September, and it has been very difficult to watch her waste away. I wish I could have done more. Gloria had her peaks and valleys. She was well enough to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with us. I knew in my heart that these might be her last visits with us. Throughout her illness-I never once heard her complain. She was an amazingly strong woman and I will miss her terribly. I love you GLO.

More Pics of Gloria can be found on my Flikr account.


4 thoughts on “Gloria E. Woodward 1926-2006”

  1. Scott: I am VERY sorry for your loss. I know that she meant a lot to you and I am sure that you meant the world to her. You are a saint. DNB

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