Christmas Cards

Okay, I am going to show my true Scrooge. Please don’t send me a Christmas card with a picture of your children unless you are in it too. Since you are my friend, I want to see what YOU look like, and not just your kids. Hey, I like kids, but until they can send their own cards, I really don’t want to see them by themselves. Sometimes I can’t even identify who the card is from since I really don’t know your baby, or 2 year old. Bah Humbug!

P.S. And don’t get me started on your Christmas letter and what the kids are up to!


I can’t stand copayments! Mike and my insurance costs have been outrageous lately. I have had to look through a maze of options for us. One thing I don’t see is the need for all these various copayments! Isn’t the fortune we pay per month enough to cover expenses? I understand having a deductible which would lower costs for us and the insurance companies, but if I am paying an arm and a leg each month, why do I always have to pay a copayment? It seems no matter how much you pay, you always get them. Now that I have diabetes, the more frequent office visits I must attend and the copays on the drug prescriptions are really going to add up. According to Wikipedia, “A copayment, or copay, is a flat dollar amount paid for a medical service by an insured person. Insurance companies use copayments to share health care costs to prevent moral hazard. Though the copay is often only a small portion of the actual cost of the medical service, it is thought to prevent people from seeking medical care that may not be necessary (eg: an infection by the common cold), which can result in substantial savings for insurance companies. The underlying philosophy is that with no copay, the perception is that medical care is “free” and then is used more often.” Free? The insurance is definitely not free! I need an incentive not to go to go to the doctor more often? Is this totally crazy or what? Yes, there are hypochondriacs out there, but most of us are not. I just love writing a check each month to someone that believes I am a “moral hazard”! How nice of them to still take my money. While I am on the subject, so many of the plans require me to ask my doctor if I want to see another doctor. Again, I am not to be trusted because I might actually seek out care I don’t need.  I really think for the amount of money involved, I should be treated with a little more respect. Insurance is looking like a scam more and more to me each day. Perhaps they should do away with it all together and just make the health care more affordable. The money that we send to these crooks each month would probably fair much better in a health savings account.

Not Much To Say

I haven’t anything exciting to write lately. We made if through Thanksgiving without a scratch. I cooked most of the food, including the turkey the night before. It was a cinch to reheat.  I always had trouble getting everything done at the same time, but reheating seems to make the task easier. Mom is hanging in there and seems to be over her terrible cold. I am eating too much again, and got to lose this weight as my sugar levels have been good lately. My Hardy Boy Collection has grown leaps and bounds. I am having fun rereading all the stories. I really have nothing witty to say, nor do I have some pressing need to write about some injustice. I am sure something will come my way soon!

The Hardy Boys – My latest fad!

When I was a young teenager I began reading my older brother’s Hardy Boys books. They had quite a few and I added the ones that they were missing. I was very proud of my 58 book collection, but as I became an adult it seemed silly to hang onto them. I gave them to my nephew. I really wish that I had hung onto them because I have this great desire to reread them. And so begins my quest! In the late 50’s and throughout the 60’s the company that owned the rights to the series systematically began rewriting all the stories! Some were modernized, while others became a completely different story! It is the original editions that I am after and through the wonders of eBay I am becoming quite successful… and substantially poorer. With the cost of shipping it seems to work out that I buy them in lots, take the ones I need, and sell back the rest. I am going to have some nice sets up on auction soon. Most of the editions I had as a kid had blue pictorial covers. While I am interested in recreating that collection, I am also interested in collecting the really cool, dust-jacketed editions from the 40’s and 50’s. They have a yellow spine and wonderful graphics depicting the boys in one of their capers. If you know of any good used bookstores for me to check or happen to be at a yard sale please keep your eye out for them! Below are a couple of pics from the dust jacketed versions.

Bionic Woman Again

Tonight I watched another episode of NBC’s Bionic Woman and a few things are still really bothering me about this show. Firstly, I am really sick of the camera work, especially during the fight scenes. It is so jerky and nauseating! Must they make me sick every time Jaime gets in a fight? This brings me to the second thing that bothers me. Why do we have to have all these extended martial arts fight scenes? Producers! She is bionic. She can take out an enemy with one hand! Enough with all the kicking and punching! Each fight scene is presented as if she is going to be overpowered or something. It is ridiculous that we have to have these extended fight scenes. And finally, let Isaiah Washington’s contract go. At this point, it is not even for the reason that he is a lying, homophobe. He is an awful actor that brings nothing to the show. He mumbles most of his lines, and has created a character that is not needed and is very unappealing. In tonights episode we added a love interest for Jaime, the CIA agent. Not only is he pleasant to look at, but they have a nice chemistry together. Have him join up with our gal and get rid of our boy Isaiah. You just might have the makings of a show.

Michelle Ryan as The Bionic Woman