The Gays are Coming! The Gays are Coming!

Can you believe this trash being sold by the American Family Association? What a complete load of bullshit. Substitute the word jew, black, or muslim for the word homosexual and you will truly see what a bunch of intolerant bigots these people are. I still haven’t received the memo from gay headquarters to take over my town.

P.S. Don’t tell the American Family Association that we have already taken over!


Where does the time go? It really does go by faster as you get older. Everything seems like yesterday. I wish time would slow down a bit. I plan on 2008 being a year of change for me. I hope to finally lose the weight, manage money better, and sell more stuff or donate it this year. Happy New Year!

Dieting again

I gained back 6 pounds! I have let the shock of diabetes leave me for the past week or so. I am back on watching what I eat and writing it down. 2008 has to be the year that I finally get it together. Nursing school will be so tough if I can’t fit into a patient’s room! I currently am at 260 and need to get to 185. I’ve done it 3 times before, maybe the 4th is a charm. Goodbye bread, hello salad!