Bye Bye Summer

Leaves have begun to fall all over my yard. Oh, how I hate that! I am really happy just two months of the year… July and August. That gives me 10 months of weather that I don’t like. My roots are here, but my weather happiness lies in another climate. When I lived in California I loved the weather there, but I didn’t like the traffic or the cost of living. I enjoy Florida, but the humidity is a killer and Florida is not as gay friendly as Massachusetts. Still, I would rather be hot than cold. For now, I am here taking care of my Mom… which is fine. I wonder if we will ever move in the future. It  would be hard to be away from our friends and family. As we get older it seems we get attached to what we know. The thought of changing doctors, dentists, and health insurance does not sound fun and will probably get more unappealing as we grow deeper into our middle ages. I think however that sunshime will be a big motivator for me in the future. Time will tell.

Busy Busy

I haven’t written in the longest time because my mother has been under the weather. She had a cold about 3 weeks ago that began after a fall, and she has still not recovered. Tomorrow the physical therapist comes, and we will decide if we really need to go to a doctor. She does seem to be getting better, but it is very slow. I have also been working on a new website for my friend, Judy Francesconi. She is a professional photographer with a specialty in lesbian fine art photography.  You can check out her site that I made, but be forewarned,  her site contains nudity. As soon as things settle down here a bit, I hope to write more interesting entries for you all to read!

Another Birthday

Today I am 44. Did I just really write that? Last year I kept telling everyone I was 42…I really forgot how old I was. I don’t think that will happen this year. I feel my age lately. My back hurts, my right heel is sore, I have diabetes, my hairline is receding, I have sleep apnea, I have gray hair in my beard, I have high cholesterol, and I can’t seem to lose this middle age spread. If age is a progressive disease, I think I will be a mess by 50! I truly hope there are peaks and valleys to this roller coaster. 

Bionic Woman

My favorite show as a child was The Bionic Woman starring Lindsay Wagner. The new fall season brings us a new incarnation simply called, Bionic Woman. So far I would say it is not an instant hit. I like the new lead, Michelle Ryan enough, but the rest of the cast leaves me pretty cold. I can’t believe that they added the lying homophobe, Isaiah Washington,as Antonio Pope to the cast. He gets a new series for being a jerk on another? There are far more actor’s available and willing to work  than rewarding this moron. I would also like to to comment on Miguel Ferrer‘s one note performance. He plays Jaime’s Sommer’s boss, Jonas Bledsoe. His performance is emotionless and totally unlikeable so far. Why would anyone work for him. The characters Jae Kim and Ruth are also, in my opinion totally unappealing. Katee Sackhoff who plays the first bionic woman, Sarah Corvus, does add a nice spark to an otherwise dull cast. One of the nice touches of the original series was how compassionate the original Jaime Sommers was. You really cheered for her at her triumphs and felt sad for her when she sometimes just wanted to be a regular gal and not work for a super secret agency and have a normal life… with regular body limbs. I would also like to mention how sick I am of the camera work on this show, as well as many others these days. It is just downright shaky! I think I first noticed this on NYPD Blue and now everyone does it. It is not so special anymore and I never liked it to begin with. The great cinematographers of the past new how to shoot a scene with a locked down camera. No amount of shaking can fix a boring scene.  It doesn’t add anything to the scene other than to make me nauseous!

I wish that the powers that be got together and released the original series on DVD. That would be something to really watch. My rating on the new Bionic Woman? C-

Signed up for the Nursing Program

Yesterday, I got to finally enroll in the Quincy College Nursing program. It is very strange how you actually get in. Basically you show up at 8 am with all your transcripts in hand and pay an application fee. There was a line at 8 AM and I was number 15. I will be accepted for the part-time class which begins in January 2009! It will take me 2 1/2 years from then. I wish that I could attend a bachelor’s program instead of the associates, but there are no part-time programs in Massachusetts. After I have my R.N. there are online courses I can take for a B.S.N. Guess I will be in school forever! I am excited about what the future will bring. I think I will make a good nurse. It isn’t my first choice of a career, but I really like to eat and make a regular salary. I don’t think I want the fast pace of medical surgical or E.R, but working in a clinic of some kind sounds appealing. Time will tell.

Senator Tom Harkin is my Hero!

Bravo to Senator Tom Harkin for standing up and doing the right and just thing. His dressing down of General Peter Pace in regards to comments the general made back in the spring calling homosexuals “immoral” was a sight to behold.  It is not often we have the government called on the carpet for their stupid and insensitive remarks.