Thank You America! Sanjaya Gone!


I am so glad that this no talent has finally left American Idol… it was really getting ridiculous that this freak had been on for so many weeks! Why the judges ever put him through in the first place is a mystery to me. So many talented people have gone before him.

6 thoughts on “Thank You America! Sanjaya Gone!”

  1. Yes America finally got their act together! What a thrill to see him booted off. But, I’m shocked that Blake was in the bottom three. What’s up with that???

  2. I was surprised that Chris wasn’t in the bottom 3 this week. He didn’t sound good and he got a bit cocky to Simon. He said that singing through your nose is a type of singing, but so is off key singing. Guess what, neither one sound very good. However, Simon shouldn’t have even brought that up, Chris has sung through his nose from day one. If he didn’t like it, then don’t put him through. Although I must admit, I would like to see Phil go next. (Freddy Kruger look alike) This past week was the first week he did well in my opinion, but one good week…come on, and he’s not exactly soft on the eyes either. All in all, the final two should be the only two that have yet to be in the bottom three. Melinda Doolittle and Jordan Sparks are far more talented than the rest. However I do worry a bit about Jordan as she is from Arizona and won’t have the rampant voting of someone from a bible belt state. The order they should go: Phil, Chris, LaKisha, Blake…let the final 2 fight it out…what a great show that would be. I do think Melinda is the best, but either one of them would be a great Idol.

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