Millis Wonderland

Last night we visited Millis Wonderland with our friends Karen and Ron. Millis Wonderland is the brainchild of Kevin Meehan, a local Millis business owner who began putting up Christmas decorations 7 years ago to entertain his neighbors and children. If you live in the Massachusetts area I urge you to check out this award winning Christmas display. It is unbelievable!

Millis Wonderland is located at 60 Causeway Street in Millis, Massachusetts.

View some photos in my Christmas Collection on Flickr

The Wizard of Oz

Wizard of OzTonight The Wizard of Oz was shown on TNT in High Definition. I swore I wasn’t going to watch it until I got the new 3 disc set of the film for Christmas, but I couldn’t resist taking a peek. I of course… was hooked instantly, and watched the entire thing! The new print is gorgeous. The colors are so rich and the images are very sharp.

As I write this I am pondering why this movie moves me so. I have seen it at least 50 times before, and it has never failed to please. I think when I was a child, I wanted to escape my world and visit my own, “Land of Oz”. I was an awkward, overweight kid, who didn’t fit in with his peers, and The Wizard of Oz took me away from my worries and troubles. I keenly identified with the role of Dorothy. Judy Garland’s performance was so real that I became empathetic to her character. When Dorothy was terrified, I was terrified… and when she cried, I cried.

Okay, I’ll admit it, I still cry… but it’s different now as an adult. Now at the ripe old age of 42, I find The Wizard of Oz touches me on a different level entirely. The feeling of “I wanna go home” pulls terribly at my heartstrings. I miss my brother, who died at his own hand. I miss my father who lost a brilliant mind to Alzheimer’s Disease, and then died. I miss my mother before she had a stroke. I miss the wonderfully talented, loving, friends and family who have passed away due to: aids, cancer, heart disease, and so many other illnesses. I miss the friends that fell by the wayside, but are still living. I miss the wonderful pets I’ve had… especially my dog Cuddles, and my very own dog named, Toto. I miss the 32 inch waist I had… for a minute! Okay I’ll stop, this is starting to sound like a Gilbert O’Sullivan song. I apologize.

All I really want to say is that The Wizard of Oz has something for all of us, no matter what are age. Its lessons are as relevant today as they were 66 years ago, when the movie premiered. I am sure they will be as relevant 100 years from now.

I plan to “never go looking any further than my own backyard,” and cherish each moment. I hope that you can too.

Oz Ruby Slippers Denied Insurance Claim

A pair of Judy Garland’s ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz that were stolen from The Judy Garland Museum have been denied their $1 million insurance claim. I think the thief will turn up eventually anyway. Witnesses say the thief was an older woman who had green skin, she can’t hide for much longer.
ruby slippers
Kudos: Deluth Tribune News


One of my favorite Christmas movies is A Christmas Story. My favorite scene occurs near the end of the picture. Warning! Spoiler coming up! A Christmas Story
On Christmas day everyone has opened their presents, wrapping paper and toys are strewn everywhere and Ralphie and his parents are sitting on the sofa. His father asks him if he “got everything he wanted, ” and Ralphie says “almost,” and his dad replies “Almost huh, that’s life, well there’s always next Christmas.” Ralphie sighs and says, “yeah,” and his father asks him, “what is over there behind the desk?” And there it is, the prize present Ralphie has been pining for throughout the movie, a Red Ryder BB gun. This scene grabs me every time, because when I was a child my parents would torture me in a similar way on Christmas day. I recall one year it was a bike, another year a vcr. scott and b9 Perhaps Dr Spock wouldn’t approve, but I really appreciate all the effort my parents put forth throughout the years at Christmas. They made sure each holiday for my brothers’ and me was special. Thank you Mom and Dad!

For a new twist on A Christmas Story, an ad agency has created a new trailer for the movie, A Christmas Gory !

Kudos: Biz Stone

Don’t Lose Your Car at Disneyworld

Now I Remember!

Disneyland and Walt Disney World are truly the happiest places on earth, but they certainly can be tiring. There is nothing more disconcerting than after a long day at the park not being able to locate your car. On a recent family reunion to Disneyworld, my sister-in-law came up with a great idea. Use your digital camera to take a picture of the row you parked your car in! Since it is digital, you can just delete it once you get back to your car. It’s a true f00t saver!

The Un-American Family Association Wins Boycott Against Ford

God, yes I said God, I hate this group. They are the biggest bunch of hypocrites on the planet. I have come to the conclusion that any group with the name family in their title is really the Anti-Christ! The American Family Association goes out of their way to destroy gay and lesbian families. They, and many other groups like them, keep stating that homosexuality is somehow against families. Gay people love families! We have them, we come from them, and we are them. The AFA is now hot on the tail of companies that advertise in gay publications. They are now not only against a certain segment of the population, but against companies trying to make a buck. Can you say unamerican? These groups have done so much damage to people looking for a kind and just God. Hypocrites… all of them.

Another company in the crosshairs of an anti-gay group is Ford, which was threatened with a boycott from the American Family Association last spring due to its pro-gay policies. The American Family Association suspended the boycott when Ford engaged the group in discussions in June, and last week lifted the boycott completely — just after Ford decided not to renew advertising campaigns for its Jaguar and Land Rover brands in gay publications, including the Advocate and Out magazines. Full Story

And another thing! Shame on Ford for cow-towing to the demands of this group. I am glad that I dumped their recall ridden Escape, and bought my Toyota Prius.

Kudos: PlanetOut

Time is Running Out Georgie

I saw this on another site and just had to have one for my blog! George Bush has got to go down in history as the worst president we have ever had. I still can’t get over the fact that the man cannot, and will not, say NUCLEAR correctly. And he has command of the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet! Sheer stupidity and arrogance.

Kudos: Jewggle and Backwardsbush