
One of my favorite Christmas movies is A Christmas Story. My favorite scene occurs near the end of the picture. Warning! Spoiler coming up! A Christmas Story
On Christmas day everyone has opened their presents, wrapping paper and toys are strewn everywhere and Ralphie and his parents are sitting on the sofa. His father asks him if he “got everything he wanted, ” and Ralphie says “almost,” and his dad replies “Almost huh, that’s life, well there’s always next Christmas.” Ralphie sighs and says, “yeah,” and his father asks him, “what is over there behind the desk?” And there it is, the prize present Ralphie has been pining for throughout the movie, a Red Ryder BB gun. This scene grabs me every time, because when I was a child my parents would torture me in a similar way on Christmas day. I recall one year it was a bike, another year a vcr. scott and b9 Perhaps Dr Spock wouldn’t approve, but I really appreciate all the effort my parents put forth throughout the years at Christmas. They made sure each holiday for my brothers’ and me was special. Thank you Mom and Dad!

For a new twist on A Christmas Story, an ad agency has created a new trailer for the movie, A Christmas Gory !

Kudos: Biz Stone

2 thoughts on “Ralphie!”

  1. I love that movie! It falls in line with a few movies I can actually quote, I’ve seen ’em so much – the list includes “Clueless”, “Batman & Robin”, and most recently “Mean Girls”.

    Hey, thanks for comin’ by my blog! Damn, you got WordPress. Ooooooooo! 😛

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