Tony Snow is Loser of the Week

tony snow is loser of the week

President Bush’s Press Secretary, Tony Snow, described the horrible and predatory contact between a 16 year old male page and Congressman Mark Foley as “simply naughty emails.” This is absolutely shameful and just another example that the the Bush administration is out or touch with reality.

 Tony Snow is my Loser of the Week!

Goodbye Swimming Pool

Pool demolition

This weekend we had our inground swimming pool demolished and filled in with dirt. It was really kind of sad. There are many memories of good times. It needed a lot of repair work and we really just didn’t use it any more. I think I have been in it no more than 10 times over the last three years. It was going to cost about $8000 to semi fix it up and was only $5300 to fill it in. We have been dealing with rising electric costs, as well as expensive chemicals. And again, no one swam in it! I kept telling the neighbors to come and use it, but no takers! It is a lot of work and expense for only about 2 months of enjoyment here in Massachusetts. I will miss it though. My mother used to use it every day before she had her stroke. She kept thinking that she was gonna get in it again, but only made it once or twice when I carried her in. After the rain today, we can now hold mud wrestling matches!

Time To Reset The Diet Countdown

I am not losing weight. I don’t give you updates because I am failing, failing, failing. My body weight hovers around 260 and I can’t seem to get any better than that. Of course I eat whatever I want and hardly exercise. This is going to change next week! I have decided to return to a drastic measure that I was very successful at in the past… the medically supervised very low calorie diet. I did it in 1995 and lost a ton of weight. I am returning to the HMR weight loss class and will drink meal replacements for 3 months. It will be a struggle the first few weeks, but I will get great support from HMR and the doctor there. I know it is drastic, but it will take my choices away and losing 90 lbs will be a lot easier. I can then slowly add back in healthy foods at my new weight. I can’t chicken out this time. I will do it. I will reset my diet countdown and let you all know how it goes. Skinny Scott is making a return.

I Dream of Jeannie

I Dream of Jeannie Bottle

I grew up watching I Dream of Jeannie, and fell in love with Barbara Eden. I loved the beautiful bottle that Jeannie lived in. Over the years I have painted my own Jim Beam bottles and failed miserably at having them resemble anything like the whiskey bottle they used on the show. Mike finally made a great attempt at painting a bottle for me, but I never had the correct colors to give him. Today in the mail I received a beautiful copy painted by Michelle of All I need now is a Jeannie!

Where is the Outrage from Muslim Leaders?

OK. I am not really a big fan of the Catholic Church. But I am outraged that Muslim countries and moderate Muslim leaders never speak out against violence from their own people. Until I hear outrage from the major players in Islam over VIOLENCE, and not how horrified they are that someone took Muhammad’s name in vain… I will have no respect for this religion or the people who follow it. Get over it and move on.

I Love Family

So far I have watched about 5 episodes of the newly released Family on DVD. So far I have cried about 5 times! This show is actually better than I remember. The acting is outstanding, and the cast is just perfect. I have a special place in my heart for the show because I was Kristy McNichol’s age whe the show originally aired. I identified with McNichol’s character, Buddy, because she had a special relationship with her brother, Willy. Willy reminds me so much of my brother that has passed away, and I had a similar relationship with him. The show brings me back in time when my family was whole and everyone was healthy. I miss those times.

Mike “Boogie” Malin and Dolce Group are Losers of the Week

Mike Boogie

Mike “Boogie” Malin won Big Brother All Stars on Tuesday night. This is one of the most disgusting men to have ever won a reality show. He masturbated, picked his nose, and didn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom… all for millions of people who subscribed to CBS’s live feeds of the popular TV show. On the broadcast version of the show, all of America got to watch “Booger” make disparaging remarks about women and the other people on the show. One houseguest he said he wanted to “piss and shit on”… and he had the nerve to call another housguest classless! This man is and ego-maniac and should never have had his ego fed by being invited back by CBS to appear on Big Brother All Stars. When he appeared in season two, he referred to all the other houseguests as “extras”, while he was a “star”. He is a legend in HIS own mind!

Dolce Group is a group of investors (including  actor, Ashton Kutcher) that include Mike “Boogie” Malin as one of their partners in owning 6 restaurants…Geisha House, Dolce Enoteca, Bella Cocina, Les Deux, Ten Pin Alley, and Ketchup. If I were one of the investor’s in Dolce group I would call an immediate board meeting to remove Mike Malin from the group, no matter how much of his Big Brother winnings he contributes. Restaurant owners do not need the negative, disgusting image that Mike Malin represents, especially in the food and hospitality industry!

Mike “Booger” Malin and Dolce group are my Losers of the Week!

Oh My Aching Backside

I didn’t think I was gonna share everything about my life with you, but I haven’t been writing and I thought you should know why. I have had a fever for three days due to a problem with my backside. I have an abscess. About 1 year ago I had surgery for removal of a perianal abscess. Things have been going fine until I felt pain down there and started with a fever. From my research I may have to have surgery again. What a bummer! Sorry, couldn’t resist. I am going to see a doctor tomorrow and will know more soon.