Tony Snow is Loser of the Week

tony snow is loser of the week

President Bush’s Press Secretary, Tony Snow, described the horrible and predatory contact between a 16 year old male page and Congressman Mark Foley as “simply naughty emails.” This is absolutely shameful and just another example that the the Bush administration is out or touch with reality.

 Tony Snow is my Loser of the Week!

5 thoughts on “Tony Snow is Loser of the Week”

  1. He didn’t have cancer when that was posted, and you obviously didn’t read the post as to why he got the award. I nominate you for this week’s loser.

  2. please remove this image from your site as it is disrespectful now that the man has passed away.

  3. The image is linked to an article from a different time and is part of web history. We can’t go back and erase articles because someone has passed away. I am deeply sorry for his family, but everything should be taken in context.

  4. Pingback: doug pitassi

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