Mitt Romney… The Rugged Sportsman?

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. I was flipping through the cable channels when I came across Governor Mitt Romney on ESPN’s Charlie Moore Show. Mitt and Charlie were kibitzing about fishing and then went water skiing. How I hate our Governor and his dumb ass grin. He is so obviously trying to show how he is just like the down home, middle Americans, he is courting to vote for him in the next presidential election. He has done that since the day he arrived here in Massachusetts. What bugs me is that he is so obvious about it, and comes across so insincere. Last week he was grandstanding against gay marriage. I truly believe that he really doesn’t stand for anything. All he wants is to be president… and he will pander to anyone who will listen. It’s disgusting. I think I just threw up again.  

Julia Sweeney

I saw Julia Sweeny on The View today. She has a new show out on CD about her spiritual trek from Catholicism to atheism. I have always found her funny, and it should make an interesting listen. I have heard from my friend Danny that her first show, God Said, Ha!, is great and would like to hear that one also someday.  I believe it deals  with the death of her brother from cancer and her diagnosis of cancer at the same time. None of these issues sound very funny, but she is a talented comedian, and it will be interesting to hear her take on them!

Kudos:  Julia Sweeney

Feeling Better

Well I am feeling much better, although awfully tired. They had to intubate me during surgery and they really injured my larynx. I had a constant tickle in my throat. My sides were sore from coughing so much. That has thankfully healed. I have a large hole in my buttocks that has to be kept open to drain. Yuck! I don’t wish an abscess on anyone! I know, I have shared more information than you really wanted to read. I just hope this is the beginning of the end to my problems down there! Mike has been waiting on both me and my mother. I have felt so helpless. I can’t wait till I can sit comfortably. Thank you all for your well wishes!

Happy Thanksgiving

Another Thanksgiving is here! They seem to be coming so fast now that I am getting older. I wish I could say they make me happy, but as each one passes lately, it seems as if another of my beloved family has passed away. This will be the first Thanksgiving without my Aunt Gloria. I hate the fact that our Thanksgiving table is getting smaller and smaller. I miss the days when the house was full of aunts, friends, nephews, and grand children. I have so much to be thankful for, I just miss those happier carefree Thanksgivings of years ago…before my mother had a stroke…before my Dad got Alzheimer’s…before my sister-in-law died…before my brother got divorced…before my nephews grew up and before my brother killed himself.  Yes, we have had our share of traumas,  but no more or less than any other family. The love is strong no matter how many of us are left, but it seems the chorus is missing vital parts. The baritones are overpowering now.

How goes the diet?

I know, I haven’t written about the diet. I was doing so well, and I just haven’t been lately, so I haven’t written. My exercise has fallen by the wayside. I actually dress to go for a walk or use the treadmill, but somehow I never seem to do it! I am eating a lot less junk food and I am eating a lot of good fruits and vegetables. My portion sizes have crept back up though. My weight is currently 252. The old habits are so hard to change. I look forward to eating so much. I think it is one of my favorite things to do. I just can’t seem to stop. If one bite tastes good, 40 must taste better. I have to be better over the next few days, so I can eat at Thanksgiving!

Kevin Federline is Loser of the Week

Kevin Federline, Britney Spears estranged husband, is apparently threatening to sell a sex tape the couple made if he doesn’t receive millions of dollars in support payments and custody of their two children.

Mr. Federline also yelled out “Fuck Britney” and held up the finger while giving a recent concert in Virginia.

What a complete a-hole! This is the mother of his children! No matter what happened during their marriage, there is no excuse for this public display. I have no love for Britney Spears, but this guy is totally nuts. Bravo to Britney for making at least one good decision by dropping this zero! I so hope his new album is a complete bomb!

Kevin Federline is my Loser of the Week!

Kevin Federline

Kudos: Blogger News Network, TeenHollywood