The Night Before Christmas Eve

The presents are all wrapped. My back is so tired. When I started wrapping yesterday, each present got ribbon and a bow. Tonight, they were lucky to get a stick-on bow! Each year I swear to begin this ritual earlier. Each year I seem to start it later. I was lucky to finish my shopping early, but early wrapping was just not in the cards. I am a little sadder this Christmas as my Aunt Gloria, who passed away, will not be here for dinner. I kept wanting to add her favorite foods to my shopping cart. Christmas seems a little sadder each year as I get older. So many Christmas songs don’t help either. They remind me of past Christmases when everyone was here and alive.  I have had so many wonderful holidays in the past, I guess I shouldn’t really complain. I guess I just feel a little more mortal each Christmas. I hope that whoever is reading this right now will be on this earth next Christmas. I sure hope I am!

Is this Jesus?


Mike was about to make a  baloney sandwich when he came across this. Is that the face of Jesus? We may never know now, because before I knew it… it was between two pieces of bread and down Mike’s gullet!

Ask Disneybear

Danny B. writes:

Favorite Time of day?


Favorite Season?


Favorite Song?

Changes, but currently Why Me by Olivia Newton-John

Favorite Christmas Memory?

Getting the thing I wanted most for Christmas. My parents would not give me what I wanted most on Christmas morning. Later in the day they would surprise me with my most favorite gift that year. I was spoiled rotten!

Favorite Place to which you have travelled?

Southern California, but London comes a close second.

If you could do ANYTHING with your life, what would you do?

Live on throughout history for doing something.

Ask Disneybear

Sleep with or without clothes on?

Prefer black or blue pens?

Dress up on Halloween?

Like to travel?

Favorite Color?
Orange, sometimes blue

Who sleeps with you every night?
Dogs sometime, sometimes Mike

Think you’re attractive?
When I am thinner

Want to get married?
I am married

Are you a good student?

Are you currently happy?

Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on?
no, yes

Norwood, MA

Christmas or Halloween?

Colored or black-and-white photo?

Do long distance relationships work?

Do you believe in astrology?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you consider yourself the life of the party?

Do you drink?
Not often

Do you smoke?
Never, can’t stand it!

Do you make fun of people?
I have

Do you think dreams eventually come true?

Favorite fictional character?

Go to the movies or rent?

Have you ever moved?

Have you ever stolen anything?
Unfortunately, Yes

How’s the weather right now?

Last time you cut your hair?
1 Week ago

Last person you talked to on the phone?
My Mother-in-Law

Last time you showered?
Last Night

Loud or soft music?

Mcdonalds or Burger King?

Night or day?

Number of pillows?

Piano or guitar?

Teppanyaki Dining

Tonight we went to a wonderful Japanese restaurant, Teppanyaki Asian Cuisine, in Franklin. This was a small holiday get together with our great friends, Susan and Richard.  It was delicious! When we go to Walt Disney World we always catch a dinner at Teppanyaki Dining Room, the Japanese restaurant there, but this one was even better! They give you so much food! But of course I ate almost everything in sight! Even with chopsticks!


 When I met my partner Mike 11 years ago, I also became friends with a wonderful bear named Hal Hillman. Sadly he passed away in early 2004 due to a heart attack. He had been sick for a while and was waiting for a new kidney. Mike and I miss him terribly. Here is a short slideshow I created of this wonderful, big lug!

A Christmas Tree


Yesterday we decided to get our Christmas tree. We first talked about whether we should get an artificial one or a live one. I like the look of a real tree… but the work it is to get it in the stand, keep it watered, and the cleanup had me leaning to a fake tree. We decided to go to Sears and buy one. We found one that we liked, and it wasn’t in stock. This prompted a search at Lowes, Home Depot, Macy’s, J.C. Penny,  Walmart, and Target! I was exhausted from our search! When we returned home I ordered the one we liked at Sears online. A real tree would have been much less hassle!