Another Class… Done!

Well, another class is finally completed. I just finished up with Anatomy and Physiology II and I am glad to say that it is over. I know more about the vagina than I ever cared to know! I have run out of classes that I can take online, so my next class will be at the college. I am taking microbiology 3 nights a week in July. It will be weird to actually be back in the classroom… and probably be the oldest person in the room! I am really trying to do some housecleaning before my surgery, so I have reopened my eBay store. Everything must go! Operators are standing by!

Calpernia Addams

OK, I admit it. I am fascinated by Logo’s Transamerican Love Story and Calpernia Addams! I first heard of Calpernia when I saw the excellent movie, Soldier’s Girl. Soldier’s Girl is the tragic true story of Private Barry Winchell who was murdered by his fellow soldiers when they found out he was dating a transgendered woman. Now, the real Calpernia is starring in her own dating show reminiscent of The Bachelor. Eight suitors vie for her affection, including a female to male transgender! The men are ruthless to one another in their competition for Calpernia’s attention. I found myself not liking any of them, and not one of them worthy. I truly hope that Ms. Addams finds a true love one day. She really comes across no different than any of us, and deserves the happiness we all seek.

Upper GI and The Nutritionist

Today I had to have and upper gi and also meet with the nutritionist
for the first time. Dr. Lautz wanted to rule out whether I have a
hiatal hernia since I have gastric reflux. I had one back in the
90’s and it was negative, but he wanted to make sure.  The Upper Gi was
much easier than I remembered. I drank a lot more barium when I had
this first done. This time it was only 1 bottle and I think I had 3
last time! It isn’t the greatest tasting stuff, but it is a painless

Next I met with the nutritionist, Linda Antoniro. She wanted to know
what a typical day of eating was like for me. The majority of the
meeting was about what my preop diet should be, and what it will be
after the surgery. Since was on a liquid diet in 1996, I kind of know
what to expect. I will only be on all liquids for two weeks after the
surgery which seems doable. I don’t have any other meetings until I
meet with Dr Lautz and the anesthesiologist on May 29th. The journey

Gym Rat

Well I am back at the gym 3 times a week trying to get back in shape. I do the elliptical for 45 minutes and then head to the weight room for about a half hour and pump, pump, pump! I have my records from when I was lifting before and it is amazing how quickly my muscles return and allow me to lift more and more each week. I really would like to be in great shape for the surgery in June. I am watching what I eat, but the pounds just don’t want to leave, I hope the reason is that I have been building some muscle.

It’s My Mother’s Fault

Yesterday I met with the Psychiatrist, Dr. Florina Haimovici. It was a
short meeting about 15 minutes. She wanted to know about my family
history, if I heard voices, and if I was familiar with what to expect
from gastric bypass. She asked me who was President of the United
States, to subtract 7 from 100, and tell her the months of the year
backwards. Gosh, I hope I pass! I was actually hoping for more from my
25 dollar copay, but it really is just a quick meeting to see if I was

The Decision

I am scheduled for gastric bypass surgery for Jun 16th. I have done much research and have talked to some of the best doctors at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston. All of them think I would be a great candidate and said they would do it themselves if they had the health problems that I am now facing. I don’t think I would even consider this if I did not have the diabetes, but the chance to eliminate it through surgery has sealed the deal. I would like to lose 20 lbs before the surgery and I have begun exercising every day. The better shape I am in before the quicker recovery I should have. If you would like more information on the procedure itself I strongly recommend reading Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity at the National Institutes of Health.