Happy Boston Gay Pride!

Today was Gay Pride in Boston. Mike and I hadn’t been in the last two years because the weather hadn’t seemed to inviting. Today was a beautiful day and we had a nice time. It was really fun to link up with friends that we hadn’t seen in a long time, as well as make some new ones! For years I have always headed to Bennigan’s after the parade and had their Monte Cristo sandwich. This year was no exception. Although the sandwich is exceptionally greasy and unhealthy, it is definitely a tradition I wanted to follow for another year. I doubt I will be able to stomach it ever again after my gastric bypass next week. It was a sad farewell, but I am sure that I can find much more healthier things in the future!!

View Photos from Boston Pride

Home From Disney

Well we had a great time at Walt Disney World and Gay Days this past weekend. It was a lot of fun and we made some new friends as well as connected with some old ones. The highlight of the trip was Country Bear Jamboree at the Magic Kingdom. when all the bears attend the 1 P.M. show. The attraction is jam packed with bears and cubs of all sizes! We did get a call that my mother was having trouble breathing on the day we were leaving. She was rushed to the hospital and I couldn’t wait to get home to see her. My mother suffers from congestive heart failure and she was retaining fluid which was causing her to have trouble breathing. She is home now and is doing well.

Disney Pics!

Carrie and Mr. Big

SPOILER**** Am I the only one on the planet who didn’t want Carrie and Mr. Big to marry finally in the Sex and the City movie? He is always so off and on again and I just think he will be off on her in the future. I am all about forgiveness but leaving her at the alter was just too much for me to take and I don’t think I could ever forgive him. I really think she could do much better, but I guess we always need a predictable happy ending. Oh well, write me hate mail.

Final Preop Meeting

Today I had my final preop meeting with Dr. Lautz. I had to wait an
hour and a half before being seen, but it went well. Basically they
went over my records and I signed a consent form.  As I was leaving
the receptionist told me that she was moving my surgery to the 23rd
instead of the 16th. This gives me only two weeks to recover before I
go to take my summer microbiology class. It bums me out a bit, but at
least I won’t have to be on the preop diet while I am in Walt Disney
World next week. After the meeting with the Doctor I had preop blood
work and met with a nurse and the anesthesiologist. My appointment was
at 12, but I didn’t get in till about 2 PM. Now there is nothing more
to do but wait.

American Idol Is Clearly Not A Vocal Competition!

David Cook wins? The man does not really sing at all. It is clearly a popularity contest and not a vocal competition. David Archuletta completely out sung Cook on Tuesday nites performance. Cook is probably the weakest rocker AI has ever had, although it is tough to beat Constantine Maroulis who has had that title for many years. I look forward to Archuletta’s collection of balads that I am sure will be produced within the year. I predict Cook will fade into obscurity like so many.

Why Do So Many Chefs Smoke?

I can’t believe that I watch Hell’s Kitchen. I really think that Gordon Ramsay is an obnoxious jerk… with the people skills of a grapenut. I really love to watch it because of that fact I guess. He really is a person I love to hate, and I don’t care how much money would be involved, but I would never work for the man. What I find really interesting is how all of the chefs that are competing… all smoke like chimneys! Season after season, all the contestants light up after work. I wonder why this is. With less than 30% of the population smoking I am wondering if all 30% work in kitchens!