It’s Official!

Today I am officially under the 200 pounds mark! I can’t believe it… it happened so fast! I now weigh 198 lbs! My goal is 180 and at this rate I will be there in no time. I am still not very hungry and struggle to get all my protein in. I am really addicted to popsicles right now. I can’t go down the frozen food section without picking up some new bit of frozen food coloring treat! I had blood work done and my numbers were good with the exception that my reserve iron(ferritin) was low. I am on iron pills to see if that might bring it back up. Overall I feel pretty good. I have had some bouts with extreme tiredness after eating which may mean that I took into too many carbohydrates at that meal. It could be a mild dumping syndrome. I also have had some episodes of feeling lightheaded when I stand up too fast. The doctor thinks I should try drinking fluids that have more electrolytes in them to see if that would help. I haven’t been back to the gym since my cellulitis attack, but it is on the list to do! My BMI is now 29.2 which takes me out of the obese category and now makes me just overweight. I would have to lose another 30 lbs to be classified as normal weight, but I am looking pretty slender now. At this point I really have no control of what my weight will end up at as I am eating all that I can.