Jury Duty

Here I sit. I am waiting at the jury pool at the Dedham courthouse to see if I will be impaneled on a jury this morning. I am torn by what I hope the outcome will be. I have never sat on a jury before and it might be an interesting experience.  On the other hand, I am so tired. I am not used to getting up at 6:30 AM..try 9:30! I also can’t be here for more than a few days. I just hope my bum holds out from all this sitting!

2 thoughts on “Jury Duty”

  1. Hi Scott!

    Hope it went well on Jury Duty. I am actually envious: I have always wanted to be on a jury and never been called. Go figure! The closest I have ever come is the MCLE stuff. Anyway, I hope it was manageable and let me know the outcome, okay? DNB

  2. I didn’t get picked after all. I almost made it to the superior court, but when I found out that it might be weeks I talked to the judge and was removed. I couldn’t leave my mother alone for that amount of time. Maybe next time!

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