Gene Shalit Apologizes For The Term “Sexual Predator”

In describing the behavior of “Jack” I used words (“sexual predator”) that I now discover have angered, agitated, and hurt many people. I did not intend to use a word that many in the gay community consider incendiary. . . . I certainly had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone in the gay community or on the community itself. I regret any emotional hurt that may have resulted from my review of ‘Brokeback Mountain.”

Today, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation(GLAAD) said it received a statement from Gene Shalit, saying, “In describing the behavior of “Jack” I used words (“sexual predator”) that I now discover have angered, agitated, and hurt many people. I did not intend to use a word that many in the gay community consider incendiary. . . . I certainly had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone in the gay community or on the community itself. I regret any emotional hurt that may have resulted from my review of ‘Brokeback Mountain.’ ” Bravo to Mr. Shalit… we retract our accusation that he is a loser!


Kudos: GLAAD

One thought on “Gene Shalit Apologizes For The Term “Sexual Predator””

  1. I heard he walked off the set of Clerks 2 (A hilarious and touching film) because Ht thoguht it was too foul and obscene! I don’t even know who this guy is.

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