First Loser Of 2006… Gene Shalit

geneshalit In his review of Brokeback Mountain, Gene Shalit claims,”Jack, who strikes me as a sexual predator, tracks Ennis down and coaxes him into sporadic trysts.” What? Did he see this movie? It’s a tragic love story, stupid.

I am so sick of people trying to demonize homosexual love. Gay People are called child molester’s, sexual deviants, and sexual predators, all the time. When will the straight community get it through their heads… homosexuality is much more than a sex act! It is not a “behavior”, it is a whole personality trait! Unless you have the attention span of a grape nut, anyone who sees Brokeback Mountain will understand that it is the love that Jack and Ennis have for one another that keeps them getting together… and not just sex. Was Romeo and Julliet a story about sexual predators?

If Gene Shalit wants to reduce Brokeback Mountain to a story only about a sexual predator… again, I ask, did he see this movie? To be blunt, it is the Ennis character that “tops” the Jack character. If Ennis wasn’t into Jack (pun intended), I seriously doubt that he would be “up” to the challenge! Which leads me to another issue I would like to set straight for the “straight” community. Mom… don’t read this. Homosexuality is not about anal sex! Gay people can use a wide variety of ways to pleasure their partners…just as straight people. There are many gay people, lesbians included, that never get near the “back door”. Reducing one’s sexual orientation or relationship to a list of behaviors is irresposible and shows a total lack of respect for one’s fellow man and woman. When two people fall in love, sex is just the icing on the cake.

Kudos: NBC

2 thoughts on “First Loser Of 2006… Gene Shalit”

  1. gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people

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