The French Chef

Just got home from viewing the movie Julie and Julia! What can I say? I loved it! Meryl Streep perfectly captured the great Julia Child! I have such fond memories of watching The French Chef with my Aunt Gen at her house in Norwood. I will never forget the time that my aunt called Julia Child on the phone while I listened to the conversation on the extension in her kitchen. I can still here Julia telling my aunt that the next season of The French Chef, “was in the can for February”! What is funny is that my aunt did not know Julia at all, she just looked her up in the phonebook and put in a call!  What fun it was to here Julia’s distinctive voice at the other end of the line! I am so happy to have this memory of Julia and my Aunt Gen!

aunt gen

Aunt Gen. The phone I listened in on is just out of frame next to the washing machine!