Last Day

It’s almost over. Boo Hoo! We have had a wonderful time out here. I will miss it. I have so many wonderful memoríes of L.A. and Disneyland from when I lived out here. It was a real treat to catch up with the wonderful, loving friends we have out here. I think I’ll miss you most of all! Many thanks to our parents for letting us do this. We love you!


Last night we met up with my wonderful fríend, John. We met out here when I attended the American Academy of Dramatic Art in Pasadena, California. We are so much alike it is scary! We were the Lucy and Ethel of the 80’s…always trying to sneak into the movie studios! Such adventures we had as starstruck kids!


Tonight we had dinner with my dear friend, Judy Francesconi. Judy Francesconi is the premiere artist of women photography. We first met over 20 years ago when I needed headshots for my acting career. I had taken a class with Lani O’Grady and she told me her great headshots had come from this amazing woman. Judy and I became fast friends and have remained so to this day. Please check out some of her work at

Disneyland 2006 Day One

We made it! It was a long flight out here. I think I am getting too old for long air travel. There is just no room in the seats and they are so uncomfortable. We went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner and it was delicious. We tried the new Tower of Terror at California Adventure and really liked it. It is different from Walt Disney World’s but is really fun. We also got a chance to try the new Space Mountain. I like the special effects that they have added, as well as the new soundtrack, but the ride is more fun at Walt Disney World. We gotta hit the hay as we are jet lagged and exhausted. More tomorrow.

Why Did They Cancel Invasion?

ABC Invasion.jpg

I am so mad! ABC has cancelled one of my favorite shows. Invasion. Couldn’t they at least give us a few more episodes to finish the storyline?  I always wondered how the show could keep going on with the current plot. It always felt like a mini-series. But to end it on a cliffhanger, is just plain mean and stupid. It really isn’t fair to cancel a show of this style, in this manner. It’s like only giving us half a book. The Fox Network did the same thing with Point Pleasant last year. Not to mention they didn’t show it on a consistent basis, just as with Point Pleasant. If you are going to commit to airing a nighttime soap opera, at least commit to resolving the main storyline before cancelling it. Why will any of us continue to watch new series if we are going to be continually left in the lurch? Sometimes a show takes a while to build an audience, especially one that requires you to know what went on in the beginning. You have to give people time to catch up with reruns. I really didn’t catch on to Desperate Housewives until the first season was almost over. I had to see the earlier episodes first. Please ABC, at least finish the storyline on DVD. It would make a great boxed set. The show was far superior to Taken, and I am sure would sell well.

Skip The Da Vinci Code If You Read The Book

We saw The Da Vinci Code on Friday night with our friend, Danny. The theater was packed. I thought the movie was O.K. I really didn’t picture Tom Hanks as the lead character when I read the book. He was better than I thought he would be. I The Da Vinci Code.jpgthink seeing the movie after you have read the book is very anticlimatic. There is little pay off. The sense of discovery that made the book fun is lost when you know the answers to the puzzles. We had a stupid couple behind us that kept saying what was going to happen before it did, so even if I forgot any twists they made sure to remind me…and everyone else. There was no stopping them. I did the “turn your head” around several times… even let out a loud “shush”, but they were oblivious. At one point, I even said a “thank you”, when they told me a character was going to die in a minute. People do not have consideration for anyone but themselves these days. It is really frustrating. As I thought with the book, the first half of the movie is the best. The story kinda loses me after they get to London. I really think that if you read the book, you can definitely skip the movie.


It has been one week since Rascal has come to our home! He is 3 years old and fits his name well. He has been pretty good in the house and Daisy gets along with him. It is going to take some transition time until he learns all the ropes. He doesn’t replace Jake, but adds a new dynamic to our family!!!