The Soprano’s final episode in one word… boring! This has to have been one of the longest drawn out series in the history of television…and for what? Where is the justice for all those who have been whacked these past 7 years? Does Tony go to prison? Is he eventually killed? The episode left me terribly dissatisfied, not to mention it was very slow paced. The preview made it seem like it was going to be very dramatic. Not! Well at least Sunday evenings are mine now. So Long Sopranos, and good riddance!

An 85!

Well I am a little better today. I finished my Anatomy and Physiology test and received a grade of 85. That makes me feel a little better. A and P is a breeze compared to Chemistry. My brain does not think logically and that is why I think I am having so much trouble. It is all math, and I just can’t seem to keep the formulas straight in my head… not to mention they are all word problems. I feel as if my brain just shuts off when I see one.

A 48!

I can’t believe it! My brain was about to explode from studying. I took my Chemistry test and got a 48! A 48! I haven’t gotten a score that low since grade school. Luckily I still have an 85 average. This chemistry is my enemy. I hope that the rest of the chapters aren’t this tough or I will be repeating this horrible experience. Never let anyone tell you that taking courses online is easier. It is hell!

Chemistry and Anatomy

I haven’t written because I have been swamped with Chemistry and Anatomy & Physiology studies!  I have decided to go to Quincy College for my Nursing degree.  I need these two courses to be admitted to their Nursing program. I am taking them online through a Seward Community College in Kansas!  There is so much work and there is an exam every 5 days. To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement! I used to be an “A” student, but given the amount of material I am covering, that goal seems completely out of reach! I think I am going to have a problem getting the “C” I need for admission! Why I decided to take two courses at once is beyond me. A&P is accelerated and will take 7 weeks, while Chemistry is about 13 weeks. Well, I am off to the home Chemistry Lab… where can I buy Lye in solid form?

Doug Obey Loses!

Yes, Mr. Authoritarian may have had more votes in my neck of the woods, but thankfully he was rightfully trounced in Dedham, Massachusetts to Paul McMurty, the winner of the Massachusetts 11th District State Representative seat. The virus of “Obey” signs can now retreat from the planet…restoring our oxygen!