Job Interview with Apple


Last night I had a job interview at the local Apple computer store. It was a preliminary interview with about 8 people. We watched a video, had a Q and A, and we each got a chance to try and sell an apple product for about 2 minutes. It seemed to go well, but who knows what they are looking for. The company seems like a great place to work and they have flexible hours which would be a big help for me taking care of Mom and going to school.

Home From Disney!


Well we made it home! It was a wonderful time and it was so much fun to have most of the family with us! I did O.K. with eating, but had a couple of times where I ate too big a piece of something and was sick for about an hour. It is hard to eat slowly when you are so excited to be someplace. The weather was beautiful and the parks were not that crowded which made the trip really nice. The weather is so cold back here! I am not ready for Winter…. or Fall for that matter!


See More Photos Here!

Back at Walt Disney World

We arrived safely and have already had a fun filled day! There are 8 of us in total. Mike’s Mom and Dad, His sister Kathy and her partner Karin, his sister Mary Beth, and his brother, Jeff. Unfortunately my sister-in-law, Patricia was not able to make the trip with Jeff. We will really miss her. We went to the Magic Kingdom when we arrived, then headed over for dinner in Morroco at EPCOT. It is so weird to be here with my new stomach! I can barely eat anything, and there is so much food here! I probably will end up losing a ton of weight with all the walking we are doing. I think we are going to Animal Kingdom tomorrow if everyone can get out of bed. This first day is usually very tiring. We are having a great time though! It is wonderful to have almost everyone here!

Cellulitis Returns

Well it has been a busy and crazy week. My cellulitis returned and my doctor referred me to a surgeon for possible cyst removal! I get the craziest illnesses. We are gearing up for our Cordeiro family reunion in about a week. It will be such fun to have everyone together. I have been busy with the Fisher family genealogy and have been contacted by three, count em , three distant cousins I never new I had. It really is so much fun making connections. I am down 47 lbs since my operation in June and feeling great!


I recently was contacted by a distant cousin who has filled in some of the missing links in the Fisher genealogy. I decided to publish what I have found out so far so that he can see what I have accomplished. I have a lot more work to do on it, but I did a lot of research in the past. I lost interest when my father passed away, but that is probably all the more reason I should document what I have found out. Take a look!

Down For The Count!

I haven’t written, because I haven’t been feeling very well lately. It all started with what I though was an ingrown hair on my upper arm. Within a day, the redness it grew to much larger proportions. Over the weekend my lymph nodes in my armpit became swollen, my shoulder went into spasm, and I developed a fever. I was off to the emergency room. They diagnosed it as cellulitis and put my on two antibiotics. If I don’t respond after a few days I have to contact them. It is possible that the bacteria causing it is the deadly MRSA virus, and I will have to take a special antibiotic. It is so weird. I always seem to get the most uncommon of illnesses, just when I was doing so well after my weight loss surgery.

Kellogg’s Danish Go-Rounds


Recently, Mike and my sister-in-law, Mary Beth, were sitting around the table remembering a favorite breakfast toaster pastry. We remembered what they looked like, but could not for the life of us remember what they were called. Well, thanks to the internet, we were able to identify them as Kellogg’s Danish Go-Rounds! I really loved these! They must have had the same ingredients as Pop-Tarts, but the shape was so much fun to eat! I remember eating my way around this “braided rug” to the center! My favorite flavor was frosted strawberry!

Here is the commercial!