What do you call the procedure for a female to male transformation?
Month: March 2010
Positively , Absolutely, Terri…
Positively , Absolutely, Terrific speech by President Obama in Iowa City, Iowa happening now!
Here I sit at Brigham and Wome…
Here I sit at Brigham and Womens waiting to have my pre-operative eval. No worries. Just having an old abcess removed again!
Watched Lost tonight! I still …
Watched Lost tonight! I still can’t figure what is going on. It reminds of the X-Files, after a while I just didn’t care anymore!
I should be studying but I rea…
I should be studying but I really feel like going to Walmart and wandering around aimlessly.
Now I hope we can stop hearing…
Now I hope we can stop hearing Republicans saying that the American People don’t want health reform! Polls disagree! http://giv.to/U9bm
Home from my first 1:1 observa…
Home from my first 1:1 observation at work. Exhausting! The pt kept trying to get out of bed and pull his catheter.
Getting ready for another shif…
Getting ready for another shift at Milford Regional Hospital. My back and feet are tired already!
Why do the Republicans and Tea…
Why do the Republicans and Tea Baggers seem to have the rudest, racist, and anti-gay people in their ranks? I can come up with so many. Why?
My gastric reflux does not see…
My gastric reflux does not seem to be controlled by Prilosec anymore. I hope I am not getting an ulcer!