Here is a little slide show I made celebrating marriage for gays and lesbians!
Category: My Videos
Here are some videos I made!
Off To Buy A Couch! Vblog
Walt Disney World Gay Days 2007
Here is a little slide show from our most recent trip to Walt Disney World!
Study, Study
Bob, Bill and Andy Join Us At Walt Disney World
 When I met my partner Mike 11 years ago, I also became friends with a wonderful bear named Hal Hillman. Sadly he passed away in early 2004 due to a heart attack. He had been sick for a while and was waiting for a new kidney. Mike and I miss him terribly. Here is a short slideshow I created of this wonderful, big lug!
Mr Bear and Cub New England Contest 2006
Well the contest is finally over. I can’t believe it! Congratulations to the winners of the Mr Bear and Cub New England Contest 2006. Overall I was pretty happy with the way things went. I learned a lot that I would like to refine next year. Did I just say that? I don’t know if I want to commit to doing something like this again right away. I really like the production end of things, i.e. making videos, writing the script, etc., but keeping on all the various people needed to get this accomplished is kind of a drag. But can I give up control? I really need to know what is happening to put on a good show. One of the things I am most proud of was the video I created to honor friend and activist, John Beresford, who was murdered last year. It was really powerful showing it on the giant video screen the night of the contest. We were able to raise a nice donation between the door cover and a collection made during the evening for The John Beresford Foundation. It really made all the work worthwhile. I think we should donate to a charity every year! You can watch the video I created for John below.
I have been a slideshow mood lately. Here is a quick one I whipped up on my partner, Mike. I really love this guy!
Walt Disney World’s Primeval Whirl
This is a video from when our friend Chuck came down to Walt Disney World with us. In all the times we have visited Animal Kingdom we had never been on Primeval Whirl. The ride really tossed us around. I thought I was gonna pee my pants!! Enjoy!
My Dad
I made a little slideshow of my dear dad. It makes me cry. I really miss him.